  1. Ernst&Young
  2. Raiffeisen Bank Aval
  3. Агенція маркетингових комунікацій Willard
Національний університет
“Києво-Могилянська академія”
вул. Сковороди, 2, Київ 04070

Для розміщення вакансій звертайтесь
до Центру кар'єри та працевлаштування
тел.: 462-51-95, 417-82-15

Детальну інформацію щодо заходів
у НаУКМА Ви зможете знайти на
сайті університету
14 червня

Києво-Могилянський Театральний Центр «ПАСІКА» представляє виставу «ВОРОН» на основі однойменної поеми Олега Лишеги у постановці мистецької групи «Яра» Нью-Йоркського театру «LaMaMa» (США).
Початок о 19:00, Культурно-мистецький центр НаУКМА, 2-й поверх, вул. Іллінська, 9.
15-16 червня

kmbs проводить Форум інноваторів «Проривні ідеї для бізнесу».
4-ий корпус НаУКМА, 4-ий поверх (Києво-Могилянська Бізнес Школа [kmbs]), вул. Волоська, 8/5.
17 червня

Вистава-дискусія «Кревний дім» за твором Ф. Ніцше «Так казав Заратустра» і Ф.-Г. Лорки «Дім Бернарди Альби» за участі студентів КНУТКіТ ім. І.К. Карпенка-Карого у рамках спільного з НаУКМА проекту «Філософія навкого театру».
Початок о 15:00, Культурно-мистецький центр НаУКМА, 2-й поверх, вул. Іллінська, 9.
18 червня

VII Благодійний вечір випускників.
Початок о 16:30, подвір’я Староакадемічного корпусу, вул. г. Сковороди, 2

Intern to Human Capital Department

- University Degree in Law/Economics
- Excellent written and verbal English, Russian, Ukrainian
- Proficient PC user
- Strong analytical skills
- Positive attitude and willingness to learn;
- Attention to detail with a commitment to high quality and accuracy;
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
- Leadership ability.

- Providing support and assistance to Human Capital team in:
• Personal taxation and tax planning consulting (preparing individual tax returns, preparing consulting letters)
• Labour law consulting (preparing labour law consulting letters, assisting in drafting labour contracts, analyzing immigration law), social security and pension consulting
• Payroll compliance services (calculating payroll taxes, preparing & filing supporting documents)
• Management consulting in people area (preparing analytical reports, participating in due diligence projects, database processing)

For immediate consideration, please submit your CV at www.ey.com/ua Career section

Additional information

Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Credit Risk Analyst

- MA or Specialist diploma in economics or mathematics;
- excellent analytical and numerical skills;
- strong interest in risk management, financial markets and banking system;
- excellent use of computer and programming skills (SQL, VBA, SAS – preferable);
- intermediate or advanced English;
- ability to work in team;
- background in credit risks or commercial banking is a plus.

- short-term and long-term forecasting of portfolio quality and key performance indicators;
- IFRS Provisions calculation, reporting and budgeting;
- providing guidance and consultation concerning risk management procedures
- mathematical and statistical methodology development for provisioning and management;
- portfolio quality management;
- participating in data analysis.

Olga Solovyova
2, Mechnikova str.,
Business-center “Parus”
Phone: 097-783-10-16
e-mail: olga.solovyova@aval.ua
Web: http://www.aval.ua/about/vacancy

Additional information
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Hours: Full time
Salary: Competitive
Deadline: 30 June, 2011

Credit Portfolio Manager

- MA or Specialist diploma in economics or accounting;
- excellent analytical and presentation skills;
- strong interest in risk management, financial markets and banking system;
- excellent use of computer and programming skills (SQL, VBA – preferable);
- intermediate or advanced English;
- ability to take initiative when appropriate;
- background in credit risks or commercial banking is a plus.

- regular microeconomic monitoring and reporting of credit portfolio quality;
- strategic planning and product development;
- live projects development, which could affect Bank’s credit risk performance and recommending appropriate plans of actions to senior management;
- branch performance planning and control;
- regular reporting and presentation of portfolio performance.

Olga Solovyova
2, Mechnikova str.,
Business-center “Parus”
Phone: 097-783-10-16
e-mail: olga.solovyova@aval.ua
Web: http://www.aval.ua/about/vacancy

Additional information
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Hours: Full time
Salary: Competitive
Deadline: 29 July, 2011

PI Products Risk Manager

- MA or Specialist diploma in economics or mathematics;
- excellent analytical and presentation skills;
- strong interest in risk management, product development and banking system;
- excellent use of computer and programming skills (SQL, VBA – preferable);
- intermediate or advanced English;
- background in banking business or credit risks is a plus;
- experience in Ukrainian markets of mortgages and credit cards is a plus.

- regular microeconomic monitoring and reporting of credit assets quality;
- risk planning and product development for private individuals ;
- live projects development, which could affect Bank’s credit risk performance and recommending appropriate plans of actions to senior management;
- regular reporting and presentation of PI product portfolio performance.

Olga Solovyova
2, Mechnikova str.,
Business-center “Parus” (map)
Phone: 097-783-10-16
e-mail: olga.solovyova@aval.ua
Web: http://www.aval.ua/about/vacancy

Additional information
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Hours: Full time
Salary: Competitive
Deadline: 30 June, 2011

Senior Collections Analyst

- MA or Specialist diploma in economics or mathematics;
- excellent analytical skills in risk management and credit portfolio analysis;
- strong knowledge in collection management and private individuals credit process;
- excellent use of computer and programming skills (SQL, VBA – preferable);
- intermediate or advanced English;
- at least 1 year of experience in banking sector;
- experience in collection sector in commercial bank or collection companies is a plus.

- development and automation of regular reports about collection process efficiency and performance;
- soft and hard collections processes analysis;
- collection strategy development and control;
- development of motivation strategy for collectors and branches;
- credit portfolio quality analysis and management, live experiments and reaction plans development.

Marina Pyrogova
2, Mechnikova str.,
Business-center “Parus”
e-mail: maryna.pyrogova@aval.ua
Web: http://www.aval.ua/about/vacancy

Additional information
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Hours: Full time
Salary: Competitive
Deadline: 30 June, 2011

Senior Economist in Collections

- MA or Specialist diploma in economics or mathematics;
- excellent analytical skills in risk management and credit portfolio analysis;
- strong knowledge in collection management and private individuals credit process;
- excellent use of computer and programming skills (SQL, VBA – preferable);
- intermediate or advanced English;
- at least 1 year of experience in banking sector;
- experience in collection sector in commercial bank or collection companies is a plus.

- development and automation of regular reports about collection process efficiency and performance;
- soft and hard collections processes analysis;
- collection strategy development and control;
- development of motivation strategy for collectors and branches;
- credit portfolio quality analysis and management, live experiments and reaction plans development.

Marina Pyrogova
2, Mechnikova str.,
Business-center “Parus”
e-mail: maryna.pyrogova@aval.ua
Web: http://www.aval.ua/about/vacancy

Additional information
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Hours: Full time
Salary: Competitive
Deadline: 29 July, 2011

Агенція маркетингових комунікацій Willard

PR Associate

- Чудове володіння українською, англійською та російською мовами
- Виражена мотивація отримати практичний досвід у сфері PR
- Цілеспрямованість та амбіційність
- Комунікабельність
- Чудові навики роботи з офісними застосунками на комп’ютері
- Змога працювати повний робочий день (5 днів на тиждень)

Ми пропонуємо
Робота в молодій команді під керівництвом досвідчених керівників та інтенсивне навчання кандидата у сфері PR

Резюме відправляйте, будь-ласка, на адресу: katerina.komarova@twg.com.ua

Додаткова інформація
Заробітна плата буде обговорена з успішними кандидатами під час зустрічі.